
Showing posts from December, 2018

Happy Birthday Bone Marrow!

It’s hard to believe that it has been a year, but it has! Karl’s new bone marrow and immune system is a year old today. All in all it has been a good year. Karl takes chemo in pill form (Revlemid) every day, he gives himself an injection of blood thinner (Lovenox) every day, and he still has a bone builder (Zometa) via iv every month, but gradually all of the other meds have been stopped. As each drug was taken away its side effects also vamoosed, albeit slowly. Unfortunately the three remaining drugs often leave Karl tired, sore, achy, and with some digestive and bowel issues. But when you consider the alternatives,... At the 100 day mark Karl was told he had a very good partial response to the bone marrow transplant. His myeloma markers were still visible, but they had dropped considerably. All of his other blood and kidney markers were within the normal range. Basically that’s still where he is. We know that currently there is no cure for Multiple Myeloma, but for Karl right now