Stem Cell Extraction: Day 11

We were bored out of our minds in the hospital last night. The best possible scenario!

Not much to report today. Karl is still in hospital and he is still getting antibiotics and the rest of his regular cocktail of meds. Stem cell extraction is still a go for tomorrow morning! We aren’t sure if they will do it in this hospital room or wheel Karl down the hall to the usual extraction setting. Regardless, it will be easier for Karl then getting up early at the house and getting here for the early appointment. Not a reason to want to be an inpatient in hospital, but a positive when you want to look for them. Another positive is his neutrophils have gone up to 7.1. Remember anything above 2 is normal. That means the bone pain causing Neupogen is really pushing those blood cell workers in the marrow factory to up production. A definite good omen for tomorrow!


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