Stem Cell Extraction: Day 13

Today was a more positive day.

Karl’s G-CFS was 68 this morning, so when he got hooked up to the apheresis machine we were hoping for 10% of that. We got 6, which means 6 million stem cells. So our 2 day total was 8.55.

When Dr. Jones and Charlene came in this afternoon they said that was enough, so no collection tomorrow! They looked at the line and said they would make a decision on the line later. Their decision was that it will come out tomorrow. That’s disappointing, but not the end of the world now that the collection is complete. Karl will need to stay on iv antibiotics for a week or so, and then I guess they will decide on what type of line will go in for the implant, and when it will go in. Thanks to my sister Susan I now know that the option to the type of line he had is a PICC line, which is an acronym for peripherally inserted central catheter. Oh the strange stuff you learn on this journey.

As for now, we are relaxing in Karl’s luxury hospital room enjoying the view of the roof and the back of the Janeway. It could be a whole lot worse, and this room has a bar fridge! Thanks to everyone for all the prayers, good vibes and well wishes yesterday. We have completed the stem cell collection!!

Next will be the recovery from the infection and then the wait for the transplant.


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