Stem Cell Extraction Day 7

I am thankful to report that there’s not much to say today. Karl had some discomfort and pain last night due to the line insertion, but the codeine took the edge off. He can’t take normal over the counter pain meds because they might also work to bring down a fever, and if Karl gets a fever, we all want to know. A fever would indicate some sort of infection, and any infection would have to be taken seriously and treated right now because his own immune system is not equipped to deal with anything. But no fever so far! Also no hair loss. I know some of you are thinking how would you know? He hasn’t shaved his head since Monday and he has five o’clock shadow all over.

Our only task today was to go to an appointment with a Public Health Nurse. Today it was Charlene. She looked at the dressing over the line and declared it ok and not in need of replacement. Then she gave the Neupogen shots, complimented Karl on his decision to wear a mask (his first time), and sent us home.

He has slept off and on all day, which has helped time pass.


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