Transplant Countdown: Day 5

The creatinine came down! Not a lot mind you, but it did drop from 551 to 506. Finally a little good news!

Karl is still in hospital, and we have no idea for how much longer. Nurse Fran told us that the Nephrologist Dr. Martin has ordered an ultrasound on Karl’s kidneys, which will be at 1030 tomorrow morning. When Dr. Jones came in he said he was going to order an ultrasound on the line site to insure there is no ‘pocket’ where the infection was. When we told him about the other ultrasound he said he would set it up so they looked at both places during the trip downstairs to diagnostic imaging. Not that it matters since it gives Karl something to do to ease the monotony. While Dr. Jones is pleased that we are bored out of our minds, he’s not living it! But again, if you are in hospital it’s far better than the alternative. And, when I went back to the house this afternoon to walk the dog I cleaned the bathrooms and enjoyed it! So much more fun than sitting and surfing the net. I wonder if this new found love for housework will continue....probably not!


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