Transplant Countdown: Day 9

It is so good to be home! We’ve had incredible weather in Eastport the past two days, which makes it even nicer.

I’ve had inquiries about the blog. I’m only going to update it between now and the transplant start date (November 27) if there is something new. Karl had blood work in Clarenville yesterday. Dr. Jones’s Clinic called this morning to tell us that the creatinine level is now 367. So it is still going down, albeit slowly. Karl is tired, but otherwise ok. His appetite is not back to normal, but it is much better than it was while he was in hospital. We had the wood stove on low heat all day, so I simmered a pot of homemade chicken and rice soup for supper. Yum!


  1. Finally, phase two, the stem cell collection is almost over. It seemed that for every corner, we needed two steps backwards before we could get over the next hurdle. It was tiring, frustrating and stressful, but we made it through. Phase three, the actual stem cell transplant starts Nov 27 and if all goes well, will be done in three weeks. Can’t wait.


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