Post Transplant Day 13

There’s not much to report today, and that is good news in and of itself. The blood measures are continuing to go up while the creatinine levels have not risen. Karl was weaned off dexamethasone, and will be weaned off Gravol tomorrow. Hopefully the nausea will not reappear, but Charlene says if it does he can go back on Gravol and still go home on long as no other curves are thrown this way.

It is truly miserable in St. John’s today. 5C with drifting rain and fog. So while we wouldn’t choose the hospital as a place to hang out if we had a choice, if Karl was out of here it still would have been a quiet day of relaxing and resting.

In an earlier post I reported that a MRI had been ordered to check Karl’s kidneys. Karl understood that was going to happen before he got released. That is not the case. They have sent a requisition for a MRI, but they don’t want it to happen before late February or early March, so as to give his kidneys lots of time to repair themselves before the test is completed.

Nothing else to say...


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