Post Transplant Day 3

Boring is still the flavour of the day!

It has been a slow weekend here on 4 North A. Karl’s blood counts have continued to drop, but with the exception of his hemoglobin which was low to start, everything else is still within normal range, albeit at the lower end of normal. I expect either tomorrow or Tuesday will bring below normal counts.

Karl is tired, which is to be expected given the low hemoglobin, the chemo, and the end of the steroids which boosts his energy. He always had a severe drop in energy as the dex wore off, and we are seeing the same pattern now. Otherwise, he is not having any real side effects yet. We know that won’t last, but take it while you can right?

Karl hopes the hospital  is bringing in take out wings for supper. I know it’s good to think positive, but I have a feeling it’s not going to help with this wish!


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