
Showing posts from December, 2019

The bone marrow is two years old!

I feel like we should be having cake, but Karl’s research tells him that sugar feeds cancer cells, so we (him more than me) have cut back on sugar. He also tries to avoid artificial sweeteners except in Diet Pepsi, which he just can’t completely give up. Quality of life is important too. So it hasn’t been all smooth sailing. Karl takes daily chemo in an oral pill form, and like all chemo there are side effects. He is learning to manage the side effects better, in some cases through other medications, but you do what you have to do. During the summer his neutrophils (the white blood cells that fight infections) were dangerously low. We spent most of that time at home so as to avoid other people who may have been sick. Even catching a normal cold is a big deal for Karl. He had one earlier in the fall and had to go to his doctor where he was prescribed an antibiotic and a puffer, and had to go back for a checkup after a week to make sure his lungs had started to clear. To put it in pers